My second Ludum Dare submission.
This time I used Game Maker Studio 2, which was much more intuitive than Unity,
and therefore allowed me to make a more complete game than last time.
Still missing a lot of things obviously (like sound... D:),
but I'm still quite happy with the result.

Used tools/assets:
- Game Maker Studio 2
- Graphics from “Kenney Game Assets 1”, with some additions for the boss
- for the potion in the start menu
- Made the bull icon myself, because I couldn't find a good public domain one :P

How to play:

Every few seconds the random ability at the bottom of the screen gets **automatically**(!) cast.
Walk with WASD, and aim abilities with mouse.

- Fireball: Shoots a fireball
- Firebreath: Breathes out fire, hitting multiple enemies
- Bull: Charge towards the mouse, player is immune while red.
On collision with enemy, stuns and damages them.
On collision with a wall, stuns player.
- Cross: Heals everyone (even enemies!) in a small radius around the mouse cursor.


Download 2.3 MB

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